Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Its Been a While, But were Back with a Vengeance

Good Morning:

While you all nurse your Mad Decent Monday with Diplo hangover, keep in mind what we, and our Philly Family have in store for you on Saturday! DON'T STEP III!!!

Let's be honest. This started off as what was supposed to be a show/DJ night at the M room + afterparty at a nearby warehouse, and it's grown into a little more than that. Below please find the updated event info...

First: bands. Then: members of those bands will DJ. There will be other DJs too, who are not members of the bands. You will hear punk, noise, dubstep and electronic music at various points in the evening. There will ...be a secret afterparty location that we can't tell you about yet, with guest DJs:

SEGA (Brick Bandits/Up in Smoke/Kinda Awesome)
QI Command (ACD WSH, inDULGE, Party Tent Fridays)

The main show is scheduled to take place from 8pm to 2am at the M room with special guest bands:

SPIRIT ANIMAL (taking rock + roll)


COP PROBLEM (Neo crust/D Beat/H.C./Punk/Screamo)

...and DJs [from those bands]...

DR. EW (Pressure/Baroque, Spirit Animal) +
Deb (KQ + The DRC, Cop Problem)


KID QUEASY (Get Bent, KQ + The DRC)
SCHMOHAWK (DJ Ruxbin + Shane Six Ten) +
BHB (Big Noise, Weird + Uncomfortable)

Your $5 cover will go to the bands and get you in to the show and the afterparty, which will run to 5 am and will contain anything from late night sets, special guest bands and DJs, Dubstep, Grime, Heavy Electro, Blast Beat and Funk to random jam sessions, collaborations and experimentation. If you don't come to the first part of the show you can just show up to the secret location before 3 am and pay to get in there, assuming you have a friend nice/sober enough to tell you where it is.

*DJ SEGA will be kicking off the afterparty for the first couple of hours, right down the street from the M room, so all you kids under 21 can start raging at midnight (or earlier) when we open the doors, and have a nice head start on all the exclusive shit by the time the rest of us shuffle over when the bars stop serving.*

*Also, the afterparty will be held within walking distance of the M room at a nearby warehouse. Nope, you havent been there before. YUP: It's all ages and It's gonna be good times. Don't stress out about where, we'll tell you the day of if you RSVP. More info soon, believe that. In fact, we may just scrap the entire M Room show and just open the warehouse doors mad early and hold the entire show there, all-ages rager style. Whaddaya think about that?? No, seriously...*

So you see something for everyone! Look for our updates so you know all the business before heading up to see us!


The 3 Girls Philly

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