Monday, August 9, 2010

Its Been a While...we know

Sorry for such a delay kiddies, we have been super busy and like many of you lovely people, on vacation giving that it is summer. 3 things/ people we are super excited about:

1. Dj Bruce's workout have moved from its home at Raven Lounge to Tommy Up's PYT

2. DJ Sega, our buddy Sega has been growing in popularity over the years and this year seems to be one of his biggest yet, after apsoluty KILLING it at both Mad Decent Block Parties on the east cost (Philly and NYC)...we cant wait to see what he comes up with next. Check out his new album New Jack Philly

3. Pop Chips...YUM!

We will be back sooner rather then later, love you all


The 3 Girls Philly

1 comment:

  1. new jack philly is SOOOO 2009! Tell your faithful followers to check out his NEW jawn on Actual, "Back for the Last Time" !!!!
