Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Philadelphia Twestival 2010

On Thursday, March 25, 2010, Philadelphia will once again participate along with hundreds of cities around the world in Twestival Global to benefit the charity Concern Worldwide.

On February 12, 2009, 202 cities around the world, including Philadelphia, held the first Twestival Global to benefit charity:water. Over $250,000 was raised, resulting in over 55 wells being built in Uganda, Ethiopia, and India, directly impacting over 17,000 people. In Philadelphia, we held a Rock Band tournament with over 100 people in attendance and raising $1600 for charity:water. Twestival is 100% volunteer organized and 100% of all ticket sales and donations go straight to the charity.

This year, Philadelphia will be holding “Search for Concern” on March 25, 2010. Starting at a bar in Olde City, participants will put themselves into teams and get clues for an Olde City scavenger hunt combined with pub crawl. Over the course of the evening, participants will compete against each other to earn points by taking pictures and answering clues via Twitter while traveling to several bars in Olde City. Ticket sales to participate in the event and donations via sale of raffle tickets will go to Concern Worldwide.

Concern Worldwide’s mission is to help people living in extreme poverty achieve major sustainable improvements in their lives. Specifically, Twestival Global is focusing on helping Concern with their education projects. The donations from Twestival Global will be used for material purchases (curriculum, desks, pencils) as well as project activities such as construction of schools; rehabilitation of classrooms; teacher/management training; PTAs; HIV/AIDS school clubs; water and sanitation in schools; health education in schools; education advocacy; vocational/life-skills training for youth, farmers and women; and curriculum development for secondary school/university.

Donations for raffle prizes, sponsorship for free drinks, or anything else you can donate would be greatly appreciated. Please contact city coordinators Melissa Thiessen (mathiessen AT or Gloria Bell (gloriakbell AT if you would like to help out!

Who Doesnt Tweet these days, plus booze, plus prizes...this is a 3 girls pick!


The 3 Girls Philly

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